Nbirrien St 6j0a7097©Nbirrien St 6j0a7097|Nathan BIRRIENSaint-Lary Soulan: a land of rugbyof championsCycling Col Du Portet Summer21©Cycling Col Du Portet Summer21|nbirrienYou’re not fit to cycle up the Col du Portetto cycle up the Col du PortetClimbing in the Aure valleydinner at lhospice-bboubin-Vue Hospice ext 2©dinner at lhospice-bboubin-Vue Hospice ext 2Lunch at the Rioumajou hospiceat the Rioumajou hospiceGreg Terra Photo Craft Cake Story 7©Greg Terra Photo Craft Cake Story 7|gregory cremadesCulinary specialities of the Pyreneesof our valleysSaint Lary Foehnphoto Soulan Et Patou©Saint Lary Foehnphoto Soulan Et Patou|FoehnphotoThe Patou, Saint Lary’s mascotLa mascota de la estaciónGreg Terra Photo Chevrerie De Gouaux 14©Greg Terra Photo Chevrerie De Gouaux 14|Greg / Terra-PhotoMust-have products to bring back from vacationof Saint-LaryValley of the Pineta©Valley of the PinetaPineta Valleyin the Pineta ValleyP1020104-1©P1020104-1The abandoned village of Muro de BellosMuro de BellosMoudang iron springsGreg Terra Photo Thermal Sensoria8©Greg Terra Photo Thermal Sensoria8|gregory cremadesSensoria Rio, Saint Lary’s spa and leisure centerSaint-Lary spa and leisure centre©les thermesThe benefits of thermal spring water at Saint Laryin Saint Lary